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Data management

There are a number of decisions you make which will influence the way you analyse. If you have decided to use a computer package such as Nudist or Atlasti, you will need to convert all your data into files which are compatible with the package.

Data reduction - remember that as soon as you begin to turn your raw data into something more manageable to work on your will be losing some details. For example, if you make notes of recording from interviews you will be choosing to leave out information which you decide is not relevant.

A really important aspect of qualitative analysis is that it can be done in many different ways and still be 'right'. BUT this still means that

-analysis must be done very thoughtfully and

- being clear about what you are choosing to disregard or lose as you progress along the path to your conclusions.

For evaluation projects always bear in mind that you are looking for data that are relevant to the evaluation questions and well focussed on these.


Which of the following potentially important details do you lose when you work with notes from a recorded interview?

All of the above
Check your answer